> On Apr 15, 2022, at 10:10 PM, Guy Steele <guy.ste...@oracle.com> wrote:
> That said, I am always (or at least now) a bit leery of language designers 
> motivating a new language feature by pointing out that it would make a 
> compiler easier to write. As I have learned the hard way on more than one 
> language project, compilers are not always representative of typical 
> application code. (Please consider this remark as only very minor pushback on 
> the form of the argument.)

Indeed, this is something to be vigilant for.  In fact, one could make this 
observation about pattern matching in entirety!  Pattern matching is a feature 
that all compiler writers love, because compilers are mostly just big 
tree-transforming machines, and so *of course* compiler writers see it as a way 
to make their lives easier.  (Obviously other programmers besides compiler 
writers like it too.)  

So, let me remind everyone why we are doing pattern matching, and it is not 
just “they’re better than visitors.”  We may be doing this incrementally, but 
there’s a Big Picture motivation here, let me try to tell some more of it.  

Due to trends in hardware and software development practices, programs are 
getting smaller.  It may be a cartoonish exaggeration to say that monoliths are 
being replaced by microservices, but the fact remains: units of deployment are 
getting smaller, because we’ve discovered that breaking things up into smaller 
units with fewer responsibilities offers us more flexibility.  Geometrically, 
when you shrink a region, the percentage of that region that is close to the 
boundary goes up.  

And so a natural consequence of this trend towards smaller deployment units is 
that more code is close to the boundary with the outside world, and will want 
to exchange data with the outside world.  In the Monolith days, “data from the 
outside world” was as likely as not to be a serialized Java object, but today, 
it is likely to be a blob of JSON or XML or YAML or a database result set.  And 
this data is at best untyped relative to Java’s type system.  (JSON has 
integers, but they’re not constrained to the range of Java’s int, etc.)  

At the boundary, we have to deal with all sorts of messy stuff: IO errors, bad 
data, etc.  But Java developers want to represent data using clean, statically 
typed objects with representational invariants.  In a Big Monolith, where most 
of the code is in the interior, it was slightly more tolerable to have big 
piles of conversion code at the boundary.  But when all the code lives a short 
hop from the boundary, our budget for adaptation to a more amenable format is 
smaller.  Records and sealed types let us define ad-hoc domain models; pattern 
matching lets us define polymorphism over those ad-hoc data models, as well as 
more general ad-hoc polymorphism.  Records, sealed types, and pattern matching 
let us adapt over the impedance mismatch between Java’s type system and messy 
stuff like JSON, at a cost we are all willing to pay.  

And it extends beyond simple patterns like we’ve seen so far; the end goal of 
this exercise is to use pattern matching to decompose complex entities like 
JSON blobs in a compositional manner — essentially defining the data boundary 
in one swoop, like an adapter that is JSON-shaped on one side and Java-shaped 
on the other. (We obviously have a long way to go to get there.)

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