On 2021-04-30 6:39 a.m., Shashank Sharma wrote:
> Hello Pekka,
> On 30/04/21 15:13, Pekka Paalanen wrote:
>> On Wed, 28 Apr 2021 13:24:27 +0530
>> Shashank Sharma <shashank.sha...@amd.com> wrote:
>>> Assuming these details, A compositor will look for DRM color properties 
>>> like these:
>>> 1. Degamma plane property : To make buffers linear for Gamut mapping
>>> 2. Gamut mapping plane property:  To gamut map SRGB buffer to BT2020 
>>> colorspace
>>> 3. Color space conversion plane property: To convert from YCBCR->RGB
>>> 4. Tone mapping plane property: To tone map SDR buffer S2H and HDR buffer 
>>> H2H
>>> 5. Gamma plane/CRTC property: to re-apply the output ST2084 curve
>> ...
>>>  *
>>>  *
>>>  *
>>>  *             ┌─────────────────┐             ┌─────────────────┐          
>>>  ┌─────────────────┐       ┌────────────────┐
>>>  * HDR 600 Nits│                 │HDR 600 Nits │                 │HDR600    
>>>  │                 │HDR500 │                │ HDR500
>>>  *   ────────► │  Degamma        ├────────────►│  Color space    
>>> ├──────────►│  Tone mapping   ├──────►│  Gamma         │
>>>  * BT2020      │  OETF ST2084    │ BT2020      │  conversion     │BT2020    
>>>  │   H2H           │BT2020 │  ST2084        │ BT2020
>>>  * YCBCR420    │                 │ YCBCR420    │ YCBCR->RGB      │RGB88     
>>>  │   600->500      │RGB888 │                │ RGB888
>>>  * Non Linear  └─────────────────┘ Linear      └─────────────────┘Linear    
>>>  └─────────────────┘Linear └────────────────┘ ST2084
>>>  */
>> Hi Shashank,
>> I think you might have degamma and color model conversion reversed, or
>> is that a new thing in the HDR specs?
>> Usually the YCbCr/RGB conversion matrix applies to non-linear values
> Ah, that was due to the Gamut mapping block. You are right, color format 
> conversion can happen on non-linear data (doesn't mean it can't happen on 
> linear), but in the sequential block above, there was gamut mapping (color 
> space conversion), which needs to be done on Linear space, and I was a bit 
> too lazy to create separate blocks, so I just re[placed the block titles  :D.
>> There is also confusion with OETF vs. EOTF. I got that initially wrong
>> too. OETF is not just a name for inverse-EOTF but it is used in a
>> different context. Though here it seems to be just a typo.
>> OETF is inherent to a camera when it converts light into
>> electrical signals. EOTF is inherent to a monitor when it converts
>> electrical signals to light. Depending on what the electrical signals
>> have been defined to be in each step of a broadcasting chain, you might
>> need OETF or EOTF or their inverse or a different OETF or EOTF or their
>> inverse.
> Yes, that was a typo. The intention was to call it inverse curve for HDR 
> encoded buffers. It's almost 4 years (and 2 companies) since I last did HDR, 
> so I am a bit rusty on the topic ;) .
> - Shashank

Thanks, Ville and Shashank. This is indeed helpful. I apologize for the late
response but I needed to take some time to do more reading and internalize some
of the HDR and CM concepts. I will send out a v2 of my patchset but realize
that it is only a small step toward the right KMS interface for HDR and CM.


>> As we are talking about displays and likely assuming display-referred
>> content (not scene-referred content), we probably have no use for OETF,
>> but we could have several different EOTFs.
>> Thanks,
>> pq

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