Hello Jan,

A quick question first.

You have built your AmForth hex files with words/spirw.asm ?

Kind regards,


On 07Jun19 17:06, Jan Kromhout via Amforth-devel wrote:
> Hello
> I have take a close look into SPI routines.
> I really not understand them.
> I need simple make a connection withe the arduino in amForth.
> The basics I understand how to make a pin high or low etc.
> But I don’t know how to start to initialize the SPI etc.
> Can someone help me with this or give a simple example?
> The interface is using the standard pins for the SPI.
> I mark the part of the code with <===========? where I have trouble to 
> convert to amForth.
> Thanks for any help.
> Cheers,
> Jan
> #include "SPI.h"
> #define SCK_PIN   13
> #define MISO_PIN  12
> #define MOSI_PIN  11
> #define SS_PIN    10
> void umFPU_begin(void)
> {
>     digitalWrite(SS_PIN, HIGH);
>     pinMode(SS_PIN, OUTPUT);
>     umFPU_reset();
> }
> //------------------- reset -------------------------------------------------
> void umFPU_reset()
> {
>   digitalWrite(SS_PIN, LOW);
>   // disable SPI.Master
>   SPI.end();   <===========?
>   // reset the FPU
>   digitalWrite(MOSI_PIN, HIGH);
>   for (byte i = 0; i < 80; i++)
>   {
>     digitalWrite(SCK_PIN, HIGH);
>     digitalWrite(SCK_PIN, LOW);
>   }
>   digitalWrite(MOSI_PIN, LOW);
>   delay(10);
>   // enable SPI.Master
>   SPI.setDataMode(SPI_MODE0);
>   SPI.setBitOrder(MSBFIRST);
>   SPI.setClockDivider(SPI_CLOCK_DIV4);
>   SPI.begin();  <===========?
>   digitalWrite(SS_PIN, HIGH);
> }
> byte umFPU_read(void)
> {
>   byte bval;
>   digitalWrite(SS_PIN, LOW);
>   umFPU_readDelay();
>   bval = SPI.transfer(0); <===========?
>   digitalWrite(SS_PIN, HIGH);
>   return bval;
> }
> void umFPU_write_1(byte b1)
> {
>   digitalWrite(SS_PIN, LOW);
>   SPI.transfer(b1);  <===========?
>   digitalWrite(SS_PIN, HIGH);
> }
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