Hello Tristan,

> In avr8/amforth-eeprom.inc the top line is
>     .dw -1           ; EEPROM Address 0 should not be used
> Does this mean that $0 is reserved and used by AmForth internally or
> $0 is not to be used because historically it has been used by other
> programs e.g. storing calibrated OSCCAL value? If it is the latter,
> then it would be very opportune.

If my memory serves me well, some toolchains keep track of the
number of erase cycles they did, or something such. I do not
know why Matthias has chosen to not use addr 0. But I do not use
it either. Once I have defined an new label at the end, and
used it somewhere else, I tend to forget, where it was. Because
I never have do deal with this address again.

So, imho not important.

Cheers, and good luck!

May the Forth be with you ...

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