On 30Sep23 11:35, Keith Amidon wrote:
> On 9/30/23 05:25, Mark Roth wrote:
> > Hello Keith. I'm glad you mentioned the shell (and that you wrote it in the
> > way back when) because it had slipped my mind to get back to trying it.
> > I've gotten so used to using e4thcom that the tool in the repo is just
> > collecting figurative dust for me. Tristan W brought it up into the python3
> > realm some time back and I think sorted some bug or another after that.
> > I get the feeling there are a number of the back in the old days folks
> > doing the same and glancing at the mailing list. One would hope anyway.
> > Seeing the dates on the really old commits this past week really drove it
> > home just how long this project has been around. :)
> Thanks! I'm not familiar with e4thcom. It looks interesting.
> I'm curious if it also solves the primary reason I had for writing
> amforth-shell.py in the first place, which had to do with making higher baud
> rates work reliably without overrunning the very small serial input buffer
> amforth uses. When using a terminal emulator file transfer that just sent at
> maximum baud rate I frequently had problems with this on ATMega 328 based
> arduinos if the baud rate was greater than 19200 because amforth would fall
> behind as it was storing new words. amforth-shell.py solves this problem by
> waiting for a positive echo of the character it sent before sending the next
> which let me run at 115k and greatly sped up larger file transfers while
> ensuring they were reliable. For my project I had 12+ microcontrollers I had
> to regularly reprogram with a fairly large forth program and this was
> necessary to keep myself going crazy while waiting during updates.  :-)
> --- Keith

Hello Keith,

Thank you for writing amforth-shell. For me it has been a core part of
AmForth and a key part of many of my projects. The combination of its
reliability and AmForth recognizers meant I could automate sending
both commands and data as Forth words over to an mcu running
AmForth. Human readable and with no additional effort on my part
to deal with pc-mcu communications :)

Kind regards and thanks,

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