Sorry pak Dendo, 
mau nyumbang langkah2 plug in dgn Interactive Brokers (IB). Buat yg trading US 
stock, mudah2an berguna.
Untuk lengkapnya bisa baca di
Disana ada juga cara menjalankan auto backfill. JAngan lupa download data 
hitorical dulu dari : 
c: program file>amibroker>amiqoute>Djia   gantian dgn nasdaq dan lainnya.
Selamat mencoba, mohon maaf bila ada kekeliruan.
To use Interactive Brokers data plugin with AmiBroker you need to: 
        1. download IB plugin from:
Current STABLE version of IB.DLL: 1.6.8 (October 10, 2006) 

and copy it to PLUGINS subfolder of AmiBroker directory.

        2. run TWS 
        3. In TWS, select Configure->API->Enable Active X->Trusted IP addresses 
        4. Run AmiBroker and create new database with Interactive Brokers 
plugin as a data source, following these steps: 
        * Run AmiBroker 
        * Choose File->New database 
        * Type a new folder name (for example: C:\Program Files\AmiBroker\IB ) 
and click Create as shown in the picture below:

        * Choose InteractiveBrokers(r) data Plug-in from Data source combo and 
"Enable" from Local data storage 
        * Enter 30000 or more into "Number of bars to load" field 
        * Now choose Base time interval. Supported intervals are: EOD, hourly, 
15-minute, 5-minute, 1-minute. Professional Edition of AmiBroker allows also to 
select Tick, 5-second, 15-second intervals.

Note that backfill is in bar interval of 1-minute or less (TWS limitation).

If you want to have long daily histories AND intraday charts you should 
consider running TWO instances of AmiBroker. One for EOD charts and second for 
intraday charting. Both instances may use IB as a data source. 
        * Click OK.
        * From now on your AmiBroker reads quotes directly from the Interactive 


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