Nice article... kalo kata future diganti dgn saham... masih ok kan ?

BTW... yg bisa disebut mentor itu yang seperti apa ya...?
1) Trainer merangkap trader kah atau
2) Trader pro yang merangkap karyawan atau
3) Independent trader pro... yg trading for a living ?

Habis baca atikel ini (sok ngerti... hiiks), rasanya masih banyak yg harus
dipelajari... susahnya jadi trader sukses.



*The Journey to Futures Trading Success: An Accurate View

*By Gary Avignon
Nothing could be easier, right? Look at a picture on a screen. Make a
decision about what is going to happen. Click the mouse thing. Make a lot of
money. Simple. And yet, we all know, if it is too good to be true, it
probably is. We also know -- if anything is that easy, everyone would be
doing it. Yet, many indulge the task of learning to trade futures from a
naive perspective ... and many struggle mightily to be successful.

Timeless wisdom teaches us that ill-conceived shortcuts are inevitably more
expensive and more time consuming. Timeless wisdom also teaches us that we
must do our due-diligence carefully evaluating the nature of any journey we
embark upon so resources may be budgeted appropriately. Appropriate due
diligence maximizes the potential for success. Ignoring the wisdom in such
due diligence inevitably results in under-budgeting of resources, a short
fall, failure to "summit" and the wasting of valuable resources.

Think of a mountain climbing team attempting to summit Mt. McKinley at
20,320 feet ... a team who failed to do their due-diligence ... a team who
looked at the mountain and, in effect, guessed, "... can't be more than, um,
10,000, maybe 10,500 feet in elevation"... a team who budgeted for a 10,500
foot ascent ... a team who failed to pack supplies for a 20,000 foot ascent
... a team who failed to allocate the time necessary for a 20,000 foot
ascent ... a team who failed to condition themselves physically for a 20,000
foot ascent ... a team who failed to understand the inevitable difficulties
and complexities inherent in a 20,000 foot ascent ... ultimately an
imprudent team who sealed the  fate of their ascent before they began
climbing! The ascent (a movement upward ) was doomed ( an unpleasant ) from
the beginning because they failed to understand the nature of the task they
were undertaking.

To view a picture of Mt. McKinley, go here:

Such is the fate of many a novice futures trader. In futures trading, like
nature, the trader is either predator or prey -- the "eater" or "the eaten"
-- and the predators are sophisticated, experienced, trained, strong,
patient, skilled and prepared. As in nature, the weak, the mediocre, and the
unprepared are eliminated as an inherent aspect of the natural process.

*This perspective begs a few questions:
1. What is the true nature of futures trading?
2. How do I avoid the fatal under-budgeting of resources?
3. How do I become the "eater" and avoid being "eaten"?

First, thorough due diligence regarding a comprehensive understanding of the
nature of futures trading is essential. You must know as much as possible
about the "terrain" you are going to be covering. Gather ALL information.
There are seven main areas in which you will need a thorough understanding.

1.       Software: You will need to thoroughly research the software
available and ultimately select the software that you will utilize to train
yourself to trade -- then ultimately trade with.
2.       Technical analysis: You will need a thorough understanding of how
to analyze the price action on a chart ... without the aid of software.
3.       Trade Plan: You will need to know how to build and back test a
trade plan.
4.       Money management: You will need a comprehensive understanding
regarding money management principles as well as how to build a rules-based
money management strategy.
5.       Trade Preparedness: You will need a comprehensive understanding
regarding the skills and perspectives necessary to manage yourself so your
trade decisions are not emotionally based.
6.       Psychology: You will need to understand the limitations created by
your subconscious mind as well as how to access your subconscious mind to
unlock your potential.
7.       Business Plan: You will need to understand how to create a business
plan as well as how to create one for your trading business. This business
plan serves as a road map for all of your trading activities.

Last, but not least, you will be left with a fundamental choice and a
challenge. The fundamental choice is this -- do I engage a mentor (guide),
or do I undertake this monumental task on my own? The truth about coaching
and mentoring is simple yet powerful: the right coaching relationship
empowers us to accomplish what we cannot otherwise accomplish.

The "challenge" can be finding the right coach or mentor...

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