Dear All,

Berikut sepotong cuplikan dari weekly newsletter nya Van K Tharp :

Here's my basic recommendation for your preparation work:
·         1-2 years of *psychological work* --> jarang dibahas nih...
·         1 year developing a strong business plan after attending the
workshop* --> spt apa ya ?
·         1-2 years developing *3-4 good trading systems* --> paling sering
Done individually in that order, that's somewhere between 3 and 5 years. If
you are able to work on those items concurrently, you can probably finish
the work in about two years.
I wish you the best of luck.
- Van

Minimal persiapannya 2 tahun... wow... lama nian ???!!!

Many things to do/to learn nih... sharing rekan-rekan mengenai hal ini akan
sangat bermanfaat bagi persiapan kita menjadi trader sukses...



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