MidPrice untuk sementara IHSG hari adalah 3051 dan setelah tembus ke bawah,
ini sudah merupakan sinyal jual buat saya.

Tapi saya lebih suka check masing2 saham, sebab explrorasi sampai siang ini
ada beberapa saham yang malah menujukkan sinyal beli baru.

2010/7/26 Eco Syariah <esyar...@gmail.com>

> Kalau tidak salah... IHSG masih berkutat membuat Doji "Kuburan" ... di
> puncak gunung lagi !!!
> kalau bertahan sampai market tutup... kira2 antisipasinya ngapain ya ???
> Dan kira2 besok liat konfirmasinya dimana ?
> Thanks,
> ES
> On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 6:31 PM, <bassi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Nggak tau pak, yg jelas titelnya candlestick comentary. Ada juga afl
>> candlestick yg berupa function. Tapi karena saya belum ngerti pake function,
>> saya belum oprek.
>> Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®
>> ------------------------------
>> *From: * Timur Langit <timurlangit.is.h...@gmail.com>
>> *Sender: * amibroker-4-bei@yahoogroups.com
>> *Date: *Thu, 22 Jul 2010 17:18:38 +0700
>> *To: *amibroker-4-...@yahoogroups.com<amibroker-4-bei@yahoogroups.com>
>> *ReplyTo: * amibroker-4-bei@yahoogroups.com
>> *Subject: *Re: [Komunitas AmiBroker] AFL explorer utk candlestick
>> Saya pernah lihat di file folder nya yahoogroups. Apa yg itu ya? Saya
>> pernah coba, pusing makenya
>> Timur
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jul 22, 2010, at 4:45 PM, bassi...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Pak Hexa,
>> Saya lagi di jalan. Insya Allah ntar malam ya saya kirim. Ya boleh2 aja
>> dishare pak, saya juga dapet gratis kok:)
>> Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®
>> ------------------------------
>> *From: * hexam...@yahoo.com
>> *Sender: * amibroker-4-bei@yahoogroups.com
>> *Date: *Thu, 22 Jul 2010 08:00:57 +0000
>> *To: *<amibroker-4-bei@yahoogroups.com>
>> *ReplyTo: * amibroker-4-bei@yahoogroups.com
>> *Subject: *Re: [Komunitas AmiBroker] AFL explorer utk candlestick
>> Pak Bassir,
>> Boleh sy di share Afl candlestick commentarynya pak? Jd tertarik utk
>> masukkin sbg leading indicator..
>> Matur nuwun sblumnya..
>> Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung
>> Teruuusss...!
>> ------------------------------
>> *From: * bassi...@gmail.com
>> *Sender: * amibroker-4-bei@yahoogroups.com
>> *Date: *Thu, 22 Jul 2010 07:28:01 +0000
>> *To: *<amibroker-4-bei@yahoogroups.com>
>> *ReplyTo: * amibroker-4-bei@yahoogroups.com
>> *Subject: *Re: [Komunitas AmiBroker] AFL explorer utk candlestick
>> Mas Eco,
>> Makasih banget. Segitu dung-dung nya saya sampe gak kepikir ke situ.:).
>> Juga saya tambahkan kolom utk nunjukin jenis candle yg nongol.
>> Salam,
>> Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®
>> ------------------------------
>> *From: * Eco Syariah <esyar...@gmail.com>
>> *Sender: * amibroker-4-bei@yahoogroups.com
>> *Date: *Thu, 22 Jul 2010 08:14:16 +0700
>> *To: *<amibroker-4-bei@yahoogroups.com>
>> *ReplyTo: * amibroker-4-bei@yahoogroups.com
>> *Subject: *Re: [Komunitas AmiBroker] AFL explorer utk candlestick
>> Mas Bassir,
>> Dari AFL CandleStick Commentary itu... mungkin bisa dibuat Explorer
>> begini:
>> /* ***********************************************
>>                   Buy Rules
>> **************************************************/
>> Buy =
>> abandonedBabybullish OR beltHoldBullish OR breakAwayBullish OR
>> ConcealingBabySwalLOW OR engulfingBullish OR hammerBullish OR
>> dragonflyDoji OR dojiStarBullish OR haramiBullish OR HaramiCross OR
>> homingPigeon OR invertedHammer OR meetingLinesbullish OR
>> morningDojiStar OR morningStar OR piercingLine OR stickSandwich OR
>> threeInsideUp OR threeOutsideUp OR threeStarsInTheSouth OR
>> triStarBullish OR threeriverBottom OR MAtHoldBullish OR risingThreeMethods
>> OR separatingLinesBullish OR sideBySideWhiteLines OR
>> threeWhiteSoldiers OR upsideGapThreeMethods OR threeLineStrike OR
>> tweezerBottom OR upsideTasukiGap;
>> /************************************
>>                     Sell Rules
>> *************************************/
>> Sell =
>> AbandonedBabyBearish OR advanceBlockBearish OR beltHoldBearish OR
>> breakAwayBearish OR darkCloudCover OR deliberationBearish OR
>> CounterAttackBearish OR engulfingBearish OR eveningDojiStar OR eveningStar
>> OR HangingMan OR dragonflyDojiBearish OR HammerBearish OR HaramiBearish OR
>> HaramiCrossBearish OR idendicalThreeBlackCrows OR kickingBearish OR
>> MeetingLinesBearish OR shootingStarGap OR gravestoneDoji OR
>> threeInsideDownBearish OR threeoutsideDownBearish OR triStarBearish OR
>> twoCrows OR upsideGapTwoCrows OR
>> dojiStarBearish OR downsideGapThreeMethods OR downsideTasukiGap OR
>> fallingThreeMethods OR inNeckBearish OR OnNeckBearish OR
>> separatingLinesBearish OR sideBySideWhiteLinesBearish OR threeBlackCrows
>> OR threeLineStrike OR thrustingBearish OR tweezerTop;
>> Filter = Buy OR Sell;
>> 2010/7/22 <bassi...@gmail.com>
>>> Rekan,
>>> Ada yang punya dan mua share AFL utk candlestick explorer ga ya? maksud
>>> saya yg bisa explore seluruh saham di watch list, dan bukan AFL Commentary
>>> doang.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Bassir
>>> Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®
>>> ------------------------------------
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>>> <http://www.facebook.com/dendo.amibrokerfreak>http://www.facebook.com/dendo.amibrokerfreak
>>> | <http://www.amibroker-4-bei.org>http://www.amibroker-4-bei.org
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