Bapak bisa search di google "amibroker ole ascii import". Di situ ada contoh 
script vbs maupun jscript untuk import data dari file txt.
Maaf, saya lg di jalan. Nanti malam baru bisa tunjukkan script jadinya.

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-----Original Message-----
From: Juslam Sulaimin <>
Date: Sun, 1 Aug 2010 08:41:32 
To: <>
Subject: Re: [Komunitas AmiBroker] Input Tambahan Data Saham ke AmiBroker

Kalau memang demikian tolong tunjukkan caranya, misalnya impor data foreign 
& buy yg
did'load dari BEI berupa txt file dan telah saya convert jadi file excel ???.
Terlampir saya lampirkan filenya dan tolong buktikan kedahsyatan si Ami.

From: Abdul Halim <>
Sent: Sat, July 31, 2010 6:21:29 PM
Subject: Re: [Komunitas AmiBroker] Input Tambahan Data Saham ke AmiBroker

Jangankan 3 data tambahan, mau nambah 4, 5, 10 bahkan 1000 pun amibroker 
sanggup. Amibroker luar biasa

Sent from my BlackBerry®

From: Eco Syariah <esyar...@gmail. com> 
Sender: amibroker-4- b...@yahoogroups. com 
Date: Sat, 31 Jul 2010 11:24:43 +0700
To: <amibroker-4- b...@yahoogroups. com>
ReplyTo: amibroker-4- b...@yahoogroups. com 
Subject: [Komunitas AmiBroker] Input Tambahan Data Saham ke AmiBroker
Dear Mas Dendo & Ami Users,

Berikut cuplikan dari internet: ....... Spread = Bid - Ask

============ ========= ========= ======
So what is in a stock price?  Quite a lot actually.  Remember 3 things

1.    BID to get RID
2.    ASK to BUY
3.    Be careful of large spreads.

NOTE : Stocks with a large spread can be a problem.  It tells you 2 important 

- The stock might not have a lot of liquidity, therefore it may be harder to 
sell at the price or time you wish to.
- If you do buy a stock with a large spread, for example 2%.  This means you 
would need to make a profit of 2% on the stock just to break even.

So be careful about the spread.
============ ========= ========= =======

Terlampir contoh Data ANTM yg diimpor Ami Quote dan contoh Data Yahoo ANTM.
Terlihat bahwa masih ada space 2-3 kolom yg bisa ditambah dgn data lain (kolom 
Open interest, Aux1 dan Aux2).

Pertanyaannya. .. bila memungkinkan. .. bagaimana menambahkan data tersebut 
kita donlod via Ami Quote... atau mungkin manual ?



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