<It is a good idea, but already implemented, at least if you can live
with the StaticVarSet and Get notation combined with testing
Status("StockNum") == 0, which is obscure at best.>


I got the above OK. And yes, after years of working with AB, my brain
got tangled up on the arrays when I tried to combine them with scalers.

Thank you for the 'eye opening' LastValue(Cum(CondGap)) comment...
that did the trick.

I'll post the code that worked as a one-pass statistics calculator at
the end of this message. But onto your other comment:

<I'd rather see some kind of qualifier on variable declarations to
indicate the lifetime of the variable, and I'd rather be able to store
arrays or single values using the same notation rather than using two
very different obscure notations.  But I am not complaining either :)>

You just said the same thing I was trying to say, perhaps wording it

Thanks for your comments & critique.

Here is the sample 'one-pass' code for calculating statistics or
ratios on an entire watchlist or other defined group of issues: (It
does give a 'running' report with each issue that is processed).

//GapStats one pass Sample Code

// Initialize pseudo-RUN variables that will persist ONLY for life of
each Exploration execution
if( Status("StockNum") == 0 ) StaticVarSet("GapsUp2Pct", 0 );
if( Status("StockNum") == 0 ) StaticVarSet("GapsFilled", 0 );
if( Status("StockNum") == 0 ) StaticVarSet("ClosedLower", 0 );

CondGap = O >= Ref(H, -1) * 1.02;   // Opening Gap up 2% or more

StaticVarSet("GapsUp2Pct",    LastValue(Cum(CondGap)) +
StaticVarGet("GapsUp2Pct") );

CondGapFilled = CondGap AND  L <= Ref(H, -1);     // Gap filled same day
StaticVarSet("GapsFilled",   LastValue(Cum(CondGapFilled)) +
StaticVarGet("GapsFilled") );

CondClosedLower = CondGap AND C < O;
StaticVarSet("ClosedLower",   LastValue(Cum(CondClosedLower)) +
StaticVarGet("ClosedLower") );
PctFilled = StaticVarGet("GapsFilled") / StaticVarGet("GapsUp2Pct") * 100;
PctLower = StaticVarGet("ClosedLower") / StaticVarGet("GapsUp2Pct") * 100;
lastbar = BarIndex() == BarCount - 1;

Filter = lastbar;
AddColumn(Status("StockNum") + 1,"ListCount",1.0); // StockNum is zero
AddColumn(StaticVarGet("GapsUp2Pct"),"# 2% UpGaps", 1.0);
AddColumn(StaticVarGet("GapsFilled"),"# Filled",1.0);
AddColumn(PctFilled,"% Filled", 1.2);

AddColumn(StaticVarGet("ClosedLower"),"# Lower",1.0);
AddColumn(PctLower,"% Lower", 1.2);

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