I am confused. When I copy the formula and put it on screen as Indicator all
I get is a Blank Pane. I am using EOD data, does this formula require real





From: amibroker@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of apfxtrader
Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2007 3:25 AM
To: amibroker@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [amibroker] Re: Identifying Pnf Patterns


Hi Don ,

This is what I use: 


Class = ParamToggle("AssetClass", "Stocks|Forex", 1);
PlotGridLines = ParamToggle("PlotdGrid", "Yes|No", 0);
if (PlotGridLines)
begin = SelectedValue(BarIndex());
end = LastValue(BarIndex());
period = end-begin +1;

if( begin<end)
ScreenHigh =LastValue( HHV(cl, period )) + box;
ScreenLow =LastValue( LLV( Cl, period) )-box;
shift = 7;
top= LineArray( begin-shift, screenHigh, end, screenhigh, 0 , 1);
Bot= LineArray( begin-shift, screenlow, end, screenLow, 0, 1);
Plot( top, "", gc,styleLine|styleNoLabel , 0, 0,shift);
Plot( bot, "", gc,styleLine|styleNoLabel, 0 , 0 , shift);

// Vertical Grid 
VerticalGrid = IIf ( BarIndex() >= begin, IIf(direction==1,
screenHigh, screenLow), Null);
Plot (VerticalGrid, "", gc, styleStaircase|styleNoLabel, 0,0, 1);

// Horizontal Grid 
format =IIf(Class, 8.2, IIf (StrRight(Name() ,3) == "JPY", 8.2, 8.4));
while ( LastValue(bot)< LastValue(top)-0.5*box)
Plot( bot , "", gc, styleLine|styleNoLabel, 0, 0 ,shift);
text = NumToStr(LastValue(bot) + 0.5*box, format);
xposition = BarCount+2;
yPosition = LastValue(bot)+0.27*box;
PlotText(text, xPosition , yPosition, colorWhite);
bot = bot + box;



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