I am in the process of migrating from Metastock to AmiBroker having
discovered the latter solves a lot of my frustrations with the
limitations of the former. 

I trade mainly the European markets but am now thinking of branching
out  to the US. I use EOD data from Reuters and intraday from IB
looking on the web this still seems to be my best option for data. So
I'm thinking I will keep the data feed.

Where I need help is as follows:
1. I currently access the EOD data using the Metastock plugin. Would I
be better off importing the data into Amibroker? If so is there anyway
to automate this and to just pick up the updates? 

2. I want to setup the database with each country as a separate market
in AmiBroker. Is the only way to do this by loading all the stocks
then going through using the Organise Assignments option or can I load
them from a list of symbols in a text file? I've looked at the
UserGuide and searched this group but haven't as yet found how to do

3. I want to setup groupings of stocks such as the FT100, CAC40. Is
the  Group property best for this? Is there a way to do this from a
list of symbols?

4. Once I have the symbols in markets and groups, I was then going to
try and assign them to sectors and industries using the JSScript
quoted in the UG. Is this the best thing to do or would I be better
doing it all at once? 

I would appreciate it if someone could just point me in the right


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