does this help?
tn = timenum();
dn = datenum();
u = valuewhen( tn<110000, highestsince(dn!=ref(dn,-1), h );
w = valuewhen( tn<110000, lowestsince(dn!=ref(dn,-1), l );

Graham Kav
AFL Writing Service

On 08/09/2007, vichooo_1999 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> I need coding help to calculate the first hou trading range.
> the followingcode does not work:
> period=( TimeNum() >= 095400 AND TimeNum()<= 105500) AND(DateNum()
> ==LastValue(DateNum()));
> u=HHV(H,period);
> w=LLV(L,period);
> Any help will be highly appreciated
> thanks

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