Unfortunately you do have to program the exit price yourself for all 3
stops.  The n-bar exit price is over ridden by your calculated exit
(sell) price just as AB support has advised.  It only works
automatically if you are exiting on the open or close as defined in the
AA settings.
It's a bit annoying I agree but you can get around it with coding.  I
would also like some sort of function included with the nbar stop to set
the exit price, but until then lets try & code it.  (note Metastock is
the same, it provides a time stop but the exit price must be calculated
properly).  Actually I find it easier to program my own time stop
Try this as example.
// Trade delays all zero
EntryTrigger = Cross(ma(C,5), ma(C,50));   // Example only..
EntryPrice = High;  // entry if go above todays high, example of stop
Buy = ref(EntryTrigger,-1) and H >= ref(EntryPrice,-1);  // Stop entry
BuyPrice = max(Open, EntryPrice);  
// Note, don't forget to account for time difference between conditions
& entry day
StopExit = LLV(L,3);  // Trailing stop ext, lowest low of 3 days
ExitatStop = L <= ref(StopExit,-1);   // Intraday exit
ProfitTarget = C + 1.5*atr(5);  //  Profit target based on yesterday's
close + delta
ProfitExit = H >= ref(ProfitTarget,-1);  // intraday exit
timeStop = 5;  //  time stop on 5th day, (exit day is day 5 & exit at
TimeExit = barssince(Buy) >= timestop;
Sell = ExitatStop or ProfitExit or TimeExit;
// now calculate the exit price, don't forget to give preference to time
exit first since I am assuming you will get out at open, then stop exit
as worst case, then profit target last;
//  you could get trickier if you want & check which way the open
starts, & exit at profit if open gaps above.  This code will be more
conservative.  I'll leave that to you to figure out.
SellPrice = IIF(TimeExit, Open, IIF(ExitatStop, min(Open,
ref(StopExit,-1)), Max(Open, ref(ProfitTarget,-1)));
Hope that helps..
Regards, Dave

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