I have used the AFL code below with good success. Don't know if it will
satisfy you, but give it a try.
Donald F Lindberg
------------------------- Begin Code ---------------------------------------
_SECTION_BEGIN( "Point & Figure w Values adj" );

GraphXSpace = 5;

SetChartBkColor( ParamColor( "BackGroundColor", colorBlack) );

//GraphColor = ParamColor("GarphColor",colorLightGrey);

GridColor = ParamColor( "GridColor", colorLightGrey );

Scaling = ParamList( "Scaling Method", "Traditional|Percentage|AVG True
Range" );

if ( scaling == "Traditional" )

Box = Param( "Box", 1, 0.2, 10, 0.1 );


if ( scaling == "Percentage" )

Box = Param( "Box ", 1, 0.2, 10, 0.1 ) / 100 * LastValue( C );


if ( scaling == "AVG True Range" )

Box = Param( "Box", 1, 0.3, 5, 0.1 ) * LastValue( ATR ( 20 ) );

shiftChart = 0;

shiftLastClose = 1;

shiftGrid = 7;

shiftPriceAxis = 2;

Reverse = Param( "Reverse", 3, 1, 5 );

j = 0;

PFL[0] = Box * ceil( Low[0] / Box ) + Box;

PFH[0] = Box * floor( High[0] / Box );

direction = 0;

for ( i = 1; i < BarCount; i++ )


if ( direction[j] == 0 )


if ( Low[i] <= PFL[j] - Box )


PFL[j] = Box * ceil( Low[i] / Box );




if ( High[i] >= PFL[j] + Reverse*Box )



direction[j] = 1;

PFH[j] = Box * floor( High[i] / Box );

PFL[j] = PFL[j - 1] + Box;






if ( High[i] >= PFH[j] + Box )


PFH[j] = Box * floor( High[i] / Box );




if ( Low[i] <= PFH[j] - Reverse * Box )



direction[j] = 0;

PFH[j] = PFH[j - 1] - Box;

PFL[j] = Box * ceil( Low[i] / Box );





delta = BarCount - j - 1;

direction = Ref( direction, - delta );

Hi = Ref( PFH, -delta ) + Box / 2;

Lo = Ref( PFL, -delta ) - Box / 2;

Cl = IIf( direction == 1, Hi, Lo );

Op = IIf( direction == 1, Cl - Box, Cl + Box );

Graphcolor = IIf( direction == 1, ParamColor( "X_Color", colorBrightGreen ),

ParamColor( "O_Color", colorRed ) );

PlotOHLC( Op, Hi, Lo, Cl, "", GraphColor ,

stylePointAndFigure | styleNoLabel, 0, 0 , shiftChart );

PlotOHLC( Op, Hi, Lo, Cl, "", GraphColor , stylePointAndFigure |
styleNoLabel, 0, 0 , shiftChart );

Last = Ref( LastValue( C ), -( BarCount - 1 ) );

Plot( Last, "", colorRed, styleNoLine | styleDots, 0 , 0, shiftLastClose );

// selected value

Value = IIf( direction > 0, SelectedValue( Hi ) - box / 2, SelectedValue( Lo
) + box / 2 );




PlotGridLines = ParamToggle( "PlotdGrid", "Yes! |No", 1 ) ;

if ( PlotGridLines )


begin = SelectedValue( BarIndex() );

end = LastValue( BarIndex() );

period = end - begin + 1;

if ( begin < end )


ScreenHigh = LastValue( HHV( cl, period ) );

ScreenLow = LastValue( LLV( Cl, period ) );

top = LineArray( begin - shiftGrid, screenHigh, end, screenhigh, 0 , 1 );

Bot = LineArray( begin - shiftGrid, screenlow, end, screenLow, 0, 1 );

Plot( top, "", gridColor, styleLine | styleNoLabel , 0, 0, shiftGrid );

//Plot( bot, "", gridColor,styleLine|styleNoLabel, 0 , 0 , shiftGrid);

VerticalGrid = IIf ( BarIndex() >= begin, IIf( direction == 1, screenHigh,
screenLow ), Null );

Plot ( VerticalGrid, "", gridColor, styleStaircase | styleNoLabel, 0, 0, 1

format = 8.2;

for ( n = LastValue( bot ); n < LastValue( top ) - 0.5*box; n = n + box )


Plot( bot , "", gridColor, styleLine | styleNoLabel, 0, 0 , shiftGrid );

text = NumToStr( LastValue( bot ) + 0.5 * box, format );

xposition = BarCount + shiftPriceaxis;

yPosition = LastValue( bot ) + 0.27 * box;

PlotText( text, xPosition , yPosition, colorBlue );

bot = bot + box;

Graphcolor = IIf( direction == 1, ParamColor( "X_Color", colorBrightGreen ),

ParamColor( "O_Color", colorRed ) );

PlotOHLC( Op, Hi, Lo, Cl, "", GraphColor ,

stylePointAndFigure | styleNoLabel, 0, 0 , shiftChart );








Title = "\n" +

" Instrument : " + Name() + FullName() + "\n " +

"Formula : " + " Point & Figure (High/Low Range)" + "\n " +

"Box : " + NumToStr( Box, 4.4 ) + " " +

"Reverse : " + NumToStr( Reverse, 2.0 ) + "\n " +

"ATR : " + WriteVal( LastValue( ATR( 100 ) ), format = 4.4 );


------------------------ End Code -------------------------



From: amibroker@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of rr_bt
Sent: Sunday, May 04, 2008 1:10 AM
To: amibroker@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [amibroker] great p&f chart


i'm new to amibroker. checked out the p&f charts from the afl library. 
copied them into ab but i found the charts difficult to read.

i'm looking for a chart like this one 
http://stockcharts. <http://stockcharts.com/def/servlet/SC.pnf?c=ibm,P>
com/def/servlet/SC.pnf?c=ibm,P which has some timing 
references (year on the bottom axis and month reflected in the chart 

just wondering if it would be possible to code the stockcharts.com 
chart in amibroker afl? how difficult? 

i trialed bull's eye broker product but couldn't get it to work with ab 
data (supposed to read ab data directly). 

my preference is to have the p&f code in ab so its nicely integrated. 


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