
Previously i tried to use 2 conditions in such a way that if one 
valid then another happens then its a buy signal for me..now i want 
to add more conditions.

Suppose I have 6 conditions ,Cond1,codn2, codn3, cond4,cond5,cond6

My buy would be= When all these conditions are met, but not at a 
single bar. Like May be on 1st Jan cond1 happens, on 2nd jan cond3, 4 
happens, and like this on jan 5th All conditions are met randomly 
(any one can happen after one, my objective is to see that all are 
met) when i get 6 condtions met then i get a final buy!

So, i need to code it like= buy= the bar when my all 6 conditions are 
met ( one by one );that is  i will buy on the bar when my all other 5 
conditons are already met and on that day 6th condition is met ( 6th 
does not mean cond6 rather any of the above fullfilling a quota of 

I want to code my sell like it as well. It would be real help if any 
one here could help me with the coding!

Another help- normally we set buy conditions using cross;suppose buy= 
stoch line crossing support line/resistnace line using 
the 'cross'...but if i want to buy when a 30 day MA line touches the 
support line how this 'Touch' can be coded? or like may be when 
price/close is very near to support line?

I will highly appreciate if anyone can kindly help...



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