Herman, Graham -

Catching up on board reading and this thread.  I had to address this
some time ago and went a different route for performance reasons than
the ones that Herman mentioned.  Since #1518 was marked being worked on
back in Nov., I'm hoping that it will find its way into the next major
release, and that it will include a wildcard list function as well as a
wildcard remove.

Since #1518 appears imminent and will be better since it is built-in, I
don't want to take time and document and post what I did.  But, if you
have to have something immediately what I'd suggest that you take a look
at is the Scripting Dictionary that is on most every PC.

What you do in principle is wrap the StaticVar functions and keep track
of the names in an associative array / hash table to mimic what AB does
internally.  The scripting dictionary implements this functionality and
is fairly fast because it is in-process, and is easy to use.  It is
commonly used for this purpose.  It also allows you to do some other
interesting things such as a sorted list of keys (variable names) with

-- Bruce R

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