Aron, Dennis,
Thanks for your replays. They are very interesting. Aron's script is good for 
AB session duration and although it does not allow point modification (once 
selected) it is a good starting point. Thank you Aron.
Dennis you are right regarding point location modification when in study 
drawing mode. I was using another software before, which was collecting points 
via PARAM before the script execution (you had to specify how many). During 
script execution you could use keys (e.g. Ctrl) to interrupt execution and 
switch to the drawing mode. In this mode points were highlighted, so you could 
grab a handle and adjust them. Once the Ctrl key was released the script 
returned to the execution mode. Points coordinations were stored within the 
indicator and were applicable to the security symbol for which the points were 
collected, not just Chart_Id. In my opinion studies apply to security symbols 
not to some artificial Charts_Ids. Depending on the displayed timeframe studies 
are visible and accurate on some or hardly visible and rather useless on 
others. Ability to create custom studies through simple mouse clicks and 
software interpretation with the ability to store them permanently (as long as 
required) gives the user an incredible power to do almost anything. That's what 
the interaction between the user and the chart is all about. 
Thanks for your input.


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