Herman, Mike, all - just checking in and think I can offer a quick
suggestion and some code that I have handy.

1.  StDev() is a function that is not implemented as a variable period
function, but can be with a slight caveat.  Because this uses an
alternative, but algebraically equivalent formulation, that employs a
"data^2" term, it loses precision at about the 5th significant digit. 
That is close enough for most work, though.  So, anyway, this one liner
function will give a fast, variable period StDev ( IOW, vper can be a
varying array) -

function StDevVarPer( data, Vper )
return  sqrt( MA( data ^ 2, vper ) - MA( data, vper ) ^ 2 );

2.  This is fast even with large numbers of 1 minute bars, but it is
usually best to control QuickAFL with a statement like the following as
the LAST STATEMENT in the program to yield maximum performance -

SetBarsRequired( 500, 0 );

Remember that with QuickAFL in an indicator, the first execution after
an edit or insert passes the entire array to set the bar requirement,
then QuickAFL is in force on a subset.

-- BruceR

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