
How can I force a backfill for all my symbols? Is there an api call I can make 
from a loop in an exploration to do this?

I just subscribed to IQFeed for real-time data and I have around 400 symbols 
that I am trying to get 5 minute real-time data for. I have noticed some large 
holes in my data when my computer is off during the market open hours. The only 
way I have found to fix this problem is to select an individual symbol and 
select Force Backfill from the IQFeed plugin menu. At first, I used a Scan with 
Wait for Backfill checked on, and this worked well to get the initial set of 
data for all my symbols. However, it is no longer working to fill those holes 
since I have all the symbols in a Realtime Quote window and now all the symbols 
have the latest data while my computer is on.


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