Tony --
Thank you for bring it 'down' to my level so that I finally understand what it is that I don't understand. I will no long use WriteVal() because I don't understand WriteVal(), and apparently don't _need_ to. That I understand.
-- Keith

Tony Grimes wrote:

The problem was not with status("actionEx"). The problem is using WriteVal inside of an IF statement - it will not work.

On Sun, Oct 4, 2009 at 4:42 PM, Keith McCombs < <>> wrote:

    I'm afraid that I haven't made myself clear about what I really
    want to know.  So --
    What I really want to know is WHY my snippet, containing
Status("actionEx"), doesn't work.
    What is it that I do not understand about Status("actionEx")?  I
    am not looking for alternative ways to work around a problem that
    I do not understand, but I am looking to understand the problem in
    the first place.  Status() appears to me to be an extremely useful
    function which I want to learn ALL about.

    Thank you.
    -- Keith

    Tomasz Janeczko wrote:
Look at the manual, esp. COMMENT:

    Best regards,
    Tomasz Janeczko <>

        ----- Original Message -----
        *From:* Tony Grimes <>
        *Sent:* Sunday, October 04, 2009 2:24 PM
        *Subject:* Re: [amibroker] Problem with Status("actionEx")

        Mmm, I'm not sure what to tell ya. Only TJ can give you a
        definitive answer. I have an idea why, but I can't prove it.
        I like experimenting with AFL  and discovered this one a
        while ago. So, all I have is results through observation and
        my acceptance of the results.

        I can tell ya to read up on the WriteIf function. It will
        give you a clue, especially TJ's comments, and an alternative
        to your code. You can eliminate the IF statement altogether
        and use WriteIf along with WriteVal or NumToStr for the
        Something like this:

        WriteIf(Stat == Indicator OR Stat == Commentary OR Stat ==
        aToolTip OR Stat == aInterpret, |WriteVal(Lowbody, 1.3)|, "");


        WriteIf(Stat == Indicator OR Stat == Commentary OR Stat ==
        aToolTip OR Stat == aInterpret, |NumToStr(Lowbody, 1.3)|, "");

        *  *

        On Sat, Oct 3, 2009 at 11:23 PM, Keith McCombs
        < <>> wrote:

            Tony --
            That works fine!!

            I don't like to "look a gift horse in the mouth", but,
            how did you know?  I've looked through AB Users Guide and
Help file and can't find where that might be explained. If you've got the time, I would sure like to know, to get
            a better understanding of what I am doing.

            Thank you so much.
            -- Keith

            Tony Grimes wrote:

            Use Printf instead of WriteVal.

            On Sat, Oct 3, 2009 at 3:21 PM, Keith McCombs
            < <>>

                Graham --
                Thank you for your suggestion.  However, I know I
                don't need it for *just* the snippet displayed.

                This is from a much larger program where I wish to
                disable the display in Indicator, Commentary, etc.,
if/when some other actions are performed.
                When I post a question, rather than post my entire
                code, I try to break my code down first to just that
                part that I do not understand, and post it.

                So my question remains.
                -- Keith

                Graham wrote:
                remove the if line altogether, you should not need it

-- Cheers
                Graham Kav
                AFL Writing Service

                2009/10/3 Keith McCombs <

                    Without the 'if()' restriction below, all of
                    the text and WriteVal(), etc. is displayed in
the Interpretation Window as it should be. However, when include the 'if()' restriction it
                    is no longer visible.  I believe it should
                    still be visible because of the "Stat ==
                    aInterpret" inclusion in the 'if()'.  If all
                    plot() statements a within the 'if()'
                    restriction, the charts are drawn as expected.

                    What's wrong?

                    |Indicator = 1; Commentary = 2; aToolTip = 16;
                    aInterpret = 17;
                    Stat = Status("actionEx");
                    *if*(Stat == Indicator *OR* Stat == Commentary
                    *OR* Stat == aToolTip *OR* Stat == aInterpret){

                    "Lowbody = " + WriteVal(Lowbody, 1.3);
                    "Highbody = " + WriteVal(Highbody, 1.3);
                    "risk = " + WriteVal(risk, 1.3);
                    "ATRcond = " + WriteVal(ATRcond, 1.3);
                    "%risk/Equity = " + WriteVal(100*risk/myE);

                    Would appreciate any help I can get.
                    -- Keith

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