AFL needs something like:

static {
a = 1;
b = 2.3;
c = "hello world"

The first time the script is read into a chart, the variables within the 
static{} clause would be created and initialized.    Their values would be 
GLOBAL and REMEMBERED from run-to-run of the script.

I know what you're thinking....

"Well, you can use StaticVarGet(), StaticVarSet(), StaticVarGetText() and 
StaticVarSetText() and do the same thing you're trying to show here so what's 
your point?".

My reaction to that kind of question is...HUH?!

Oh, you mean you would rather say:

"StaticVarSet("a", 3)" or "a = StaticVarGet("a")"

rather than:

"a = 3" or "a"

to have values set/get and remembered between runs of the script (global, yet 
private to that particular script)?

Now, tell me honestly, which one makes YOUR programming life easier and your 
scripts easier to be read by others?  

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