I'm not familiar with ivolatility.com, but I would guess they are calculating 
an implied volatility based on closing SP option prices using an option pricing 
model like Black-Scholes.



--- In amibroker@yahoogroups.com, Potato Soup <potatoso...@...> wrote:
> I'm trying to plot the 30 day historical volatility of the S&P 500, using the 
> following AFL on a daily chart with around 2 years of end of day prices for 
> the S&P 500:
> Plot(StDev(Close, 30),"Historical Volatility", colorOrange,styleLine);
> However when I look at the values, they appear to be a bit off to what I see 
> when I look online here:
> http://www.ivolatility.com/options.j?ticker=SPX:CBOE&R=1&period=12&chart=2&vct=
> For today they have 18.99, where as my chart shows 19.348. All my other 
> values going back further don't match their chart either. Any ideas, are they 
> calculating it differently than just a simple standard deviation?

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