Friends Here is a link for Second-power (Parabolic) Polynomial Regression Channel link Can anyone help me get these curvilinear bands in amibroker,please! If an existing afl is present,please direct me there by providing the link and oblige. If anyone has trouble reading mt4code,but willing to help,may kindly read the text code below ------------------------------------------------------------------ #property copyright "© 2008 BJF Trading Group" #property link "" #define major 1 #define minor 1 extern string _tmp1_ = " --- Trade params ---"; extern string TradeTime = "3:00-21:20"; extern double Lots = 0.1; extern int StopLoss = 0; extern int TakeProfit = 0; extern int Slippage = 3; extern int Magic = 20080829; extern string _tmp2_ = " --- i-Regr ---"; extern int = 3; extern double Regr.kstd = 1.0; extern int Regr.bars = 250; extern int Regr.shift = 0; extern string _tmp3_ = " --- Trailing ---"; extern bool TrailingOn = false; extern int TrailingStart = 30; extern int TrailingSize = 30; extern string _tmp4_ = " --- Chart ---"; extern color clBuy = DodgerBlue; extern color clSell = Red; extern color clModify = Silver; extern color clClose = Gold; //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #include <stdlib.mqh> #include <stderror.mqh> int RepeatN = 3; int BuyCnt, SellCnt; void init() { } void deinit() { } void start() { //----- if (TrailingOn) TrailPositions(); //----- string ind_name = "i-Regr"; double R.M0 = iCustom(NULL, 0, ind_name,, Regr.kstd, Regr.bars, Regr.shift, 0, 0); double R.M1 = iCustom(NULL, 0, ind_name,, Regr.kstd, Regr.bars, Regr.shift, 0, 1); double R.U0 = iCustom(NULL, 0, ind_name,, Regr.kstd, Regr.bars, Regr.shift, 1, 0); double R.U1 = iCustom(NULL, 0, ind_name,, Regr.kstd, Regr.bars, Regr.shift, 1, 1); double R.L0 = iCustom(NULL, 0, ind_name,, Regr.kstd, Regr.bars, Regr.shift, 2, 0); double R.L1 = iCustom(NULL, 0, ind_name,, Regr.kstd, Regr.bars, Regr.shift, 2, 1); //----- if (Bid >= R.M0) { if (CloseOrders(OP_BUY) > 0) return; } if (Bid <= R.M0) { if (CloseOrders(OP_SELL) > 0) return; } //----- if (!IsTradeTime()) return; if (iHigh(NULL, PERIOD_D1, 1) - iLow(NULL, PERIOD_D1, 1) > 150*Point) { CloseOrders(OP_BUY); CloseOrders(OP_SELL); return; } if (OrdersCountBar0(0) > 0) return; RecountOrders(); //if (BuyCnt+SellCnt > 0) return; //----- double price, sl, tp; int ticket; //if (High[0] >= R.M0 && Open[0] < R.M0 && R.M0 > R.M1) if (Low[0] <= R.L0) { if (BuyCnt > 0) return; //if (CloseOrders(OP_SELL) > 0) return; //----- for (int i=0; i<RepeatN; i++) { RefreshRates(); price = Ask; sl = If(StopLoss > 0, price - StopLoss*Point, 0); tp = If(TakeProfit > 0, price + TakeProfit*Point, 0); ticket = Buy(Symbol(), GetLots(), price, sl, tp, Magic); if (ticket > 0) break; } return; } //if (Low[0] <= R.M0 && Open[0] > R.M0 && R.M0 < R.M1) if (High[0] >= R.U0) { if (SellCnt > 0) return; //if (CloseOrders(OP_BUY) > 0) return; //----- for (i=0; i<RepeatN; i++) { RefreshRates(); price = Bid; sl = If(StopLoss > 0, price + StopLoss*Point, 0); tp = If(TakeProfit > 0, price - TakeProfit*Point, 0); ticket = Sell(Symbol(), GetLots(), price, sl, tp, Magic); if (ticket > 0) break; } return; } } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ double If(bool cond, double if_true, double if_false) { if (cond) return (if_true); return (if_false); } void split(string& arr[], string str, string sym) { ArrayResize(arr, 0); string item; int pos, size; int len = StringLen(str); for (int i=0; i < len;) { pos = StringFind(str, sym, i); if (pos == -1) pos = len; item = StringSubstr(str, i, pos-i); item = StringTrimLeft(item); item = StringTrimRight(item); size = ArraySize(arr); ArrayResize(arr, size+1); arr[size] = item; i = pos+1; } } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ double GetLots() { return (Lots); } void RecountOrders() { BuyCnt = 0; SellCnt = 0; int cnt = OrdersTotal(); for (int i=0; i < cnt; i++) { if (!OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES)) continue; if (OrderSymbol() != Symbol()) continue; if (OrderMagicNumber() != Magic) continue; int type = OrderType(); if (type == OP_BUY) BuyCnt++; if (type == OP_SELL) SellCnt++; } } bool IsTradeTime() { if (TradeTime == "0:00-24:00") return (true); if (TradeTime == "00:00-24:00") return (true); datetime tm1, tm2; string TI[]; split(TI, TradeTime, "-"); if (ArraySize(TI) != 2) return (false); datetime tm0 = TimeCurrent(); tm1 = StrToTime(TimeToStr(tm0, TIME_DATE) + " " + TI[0]); tm2 = StrToTime(TimeToStr(tm0, TIME_DATE) + " " + TI[1]); bool isTm = false; if (tm1 <= tm2) isTm = isTm || (tm1 <= tm0 && tm0 < tm2); else isTm = isTm || (tm1 <= tm0 || tm0 < tm2); return (isTm); } int OrdersCountBar0(int TF) { int orders = 0; int cnt = OrdersTotal(); for (int i=0; i<cnt; i++) { if (!OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES)) continue; if (OrderSymbol() != Symbol()) continue; if (OrderMagicNumber() != Magic) continue; if (OrderOpenTime() >= iTime(NULL, TF, 0)) orders++; } cnt = OrdersHistoryTotal(); for (i=0; i<cnt; i++) { if (!OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_HISTORY)) continue; if (OrderSymbol() != Symbol()) continue; if (OrderMagicNumber() != Magic) continue; if (OrderOpenTime() >= iTime(NULL, TF, 0)) orders++; } return (orders); } int CloseOrders(int type) { int cnt = OrdersTotal(); for (int i=cnt-1; i >= 0; i--) { if (!OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES)) continue; if (OrderSymbol() != Symbol()) continue; if (OrderMagicNumber() != Magic) continue; if (OrderType() != type) continue; if (type == OP_BUY) { RefreshRates(); CloseOrder(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_BID)); continue; } if (type == OP_SELL) { RefreshRates(); CloseOrder(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_ASK)); continue; } } int orders = 0; cnt = OrdersTotal(); for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { if (!OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES)) continue; if (OrderSymbol() != Symbol()) continue; if (OrderMagicNumber() != Magic) continue; if (OrderType() == type) orders++; } return (orders); } void TrailPositions() { int cnt = OrdersTotal(); for (int i=0; i<cnt; i++) { if (!OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES)) continue; if (OrderSymbol() != Symbol()) continue; if (OrderMagicNumber() != Magic) continue; int type = OrderType(); if (type == OP_BUY) { if (Bid-OrderOpenPrice() > TrailingStart*Point) { if (OrderStopLoss() < Bid - (TrailingSize+1)*Point) { OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), Bid-TrailingSize*Point, OrderTakeProfit(), 0, clModify); } } } if (type == OP_SELL) { if (OrderOpenPrice()-Ask > TrailingStart*Point) { if (OrderStopLoss() > Ask + (TrailingSize+1)*Point || OrderStopLoss() == 0) { OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), Ask+TrailingSize*Point, OrderTakeProfit(), 0, clModify); } } } } } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ int SleepOk = 2000; int SleepErr = 6000; int Buy(string symbol, double lot, double price, double sl, double tp, int magic, string comment="") { int dig = MarketInfo(symbol, MODE_DIGITS); price = NormalizeDouble(price, dig); sl = NormalizeDouble(sl, dig); tp = NormalizeDouble(tp, dig); string _lot = DoubleToStr(lot, 2); string _price = DoubleToStr(price, dig); string _sl = DoubleToStr(sl, dig); string _tp = DoubleToStr(tp, dig); Print("Buy \"", symbol, "\", ", _lot, ", ", _price, ", ", Slippage, ", ", _sl, ", ", _tp, ", ", magic, ", \"", comment, "\""); int res = OrderSend(symbol, OP_BUY, lot, price, Slippage, sl, tp, comment, magic, 0, clBuy); if (res >= 0) { Sleep(SleepOk); return (res); } int code = GetLastError(); Print("Error opening BUY order: ", ErrorDescription(code), " (", code, ")"); Sleep(SleepErr); return (-1); } int Sell(string symbol, double lot, double price, double sl, double tp, int magic, string comment="") { int dig = MarketInfo(symbol, MODE_DIGITS); price = NormalizeDouble(price, dig); sl = NormalizeDouble(sl, dig); tp = NormalizeDouble(tp, dig); string _lot = DoubleToStr(lot, 2); string _price = DoubleToStr(price, dig); string _sl = DoubleToStr(sl, dig); string _tp = DoubleToStr(tp, dig); Print("Sell \"", symbol, "\", ", _lot, ", ", _price, ", ", Slippage, ", ", _sl, ", ", _tp, ", ", magic, ", \"", comment, "\""); int res = OrderSend(symbol, OP_SELL, lot, price, Slippage, sl, tp, comment, magic, 0, clSell); if (res >= 0) { Sleep(SleepOk); return (res); } int code = GetLastError(); Print("Error opening SELL order: ", ErrorDescription(code), " (", code, ")"); Sleep(SleepErr); return (-1); } bool CloseOrder(int ticket, double lot, double price) { if (!OrderSelect(ticket, SELECT_BY_TICKET)) return(false); if (OrderCloseTime() > 0) return(false); int dig = MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_DIGITS); string _lot = DoubleToStr(lot, 2); string _price = DoubleToStr(price, dig); Print("CloseOrder ", ticket, ", ", _lot, ", ", _price, ", ", Slippage); bool res = OrderClose(ticket, lot, price, Slippage, clClose); if (res) { Sleep(SleepOk); return (res); } int code = GetLastError(); Print("CloseOrder failed: ", ErrorDescription(code), " (", code, ")"); Sleep(SleepErr); return (false); } -------------------------------------------------------------- regards and thanks in advance ford