booker, thanks, I'll go thru it tomorrow.

--- On Sun, 3/28/10, booker_1324 <> wrote:

From: booker_1324 <>
Subject: [amibroker] Re: Scale in
Date: Sunday, March 28, 2010, 7:09 PM

Here is some code that I got from bits and pieces from this message board. I 
believe that Mike and others posted some of the code. It is a good start for 
you to try.

SetTradeDelays(0, 0, 0, 0);

MaxOpenTrades = GetOption("MaxOpenPositions");

if (Status("stocknum") == 0)

rsi2 = RSI(2);
Plot(rsi2, "rsi2", colorViolet, styleLine);// Lightgrey, Violet
Plot(25, "", colorGreen, styleDashed | styleNoLabel);
Plot(70, "", colorRed, styleDashed | styleNoLabel);

// Simple buy and sell rules
Buy = C > MA(C,200) AND RSI(2) < 25 AND Ref(RSI(2) < 25, -1);
BuyPrice = C;
Sell = RSI(2) > 70;
SellPrice = C;

Lang = BarsSince(Buy) < BarsSince(Sell);
//kurz = BarsSince(Short) < BarsSince(Cover);
kurz = 0;

//Plot Trading Ribbon
//Color = IIf( Lang, colorBrightGreen, colorLightGrey );
Color = IIf( Lang, colorBrightGreen, IIf( kurz, colorRed, colorLightGrey ));

Plot( 1, "", Color, styleArea | styleOwnScale | styleNoLabel, 0, 35 );
Title=Name() + "  " + Date() + "  " + "RSI2 =" + NumToStr(rsi2,3.3) + "  "+ 
EncodeColor(colorYellow) + " TPS Strategy ";

TotalPosition  = 100; //Max Pct of Equity of all scaleins
FirstScaleIn   = 10;  //Pct of Total Position
SecondScaleIn  = 20;
ThirdScaleIn   = 30;
FourthScaleIn  = 40;

FirstScaleInPctOfEqty  = ( FirstScaleIn  * TotalPosition ) / 100;
SecondScaleInPctOfEqty = ( SecondScaleIn * TotalPosition ) / 100;
ThirdScaleInPctOfEqty  = ( ThirdScaleIn  * TotalPosition ) / 100;
FourthScaleInPctOfEqty = ( FourthScaleIn * TotalPosition ) / 100;

ScaleInSize  = Open - Open; 
ScaleInCount = 0; 

Dte = DateNum();
PositionScore = 1;

for( i = 0; i < BarCount; i++ ) 
if( Buy[ i ] AND ScaleInCount == 0 ) 
  ScaleInCount = 1; 
       Buy[ i ] = True; 
       ScaleInSize[ i ] = FirstScaleInPctOfEqty;
       _TRACE(" ");
         + " Date: " + DateTimeToStr( DateTimeConvert( 2, Dte[ i ] ) )
   + " Buy = " + WriteVal( Buy[ i ], 1.0, 0 ) 
   + " Size: "  + WriteVal( ScaleInSize[ i ], 1.2, 0 ) 
   + " CLose[i] " + WriteVal( Close[ i ], 1.2, 0 )              
   + " CLose[i-1] " + WriteVal( Close[ i-1 ], 1.2, 0 )              

   if( ScaleInCount == 2 
      AND ( Close[ i ] < Close[ i -1 ] )
      AND Sell[ i ] == 0 )
       Buy[ i ] = sigScaleIn; 
       ScaleInSize[ i ] = SecondScaleInPctOfEqty;
         + " Date: " + DateTimeToStr( DateTimeConvert( 2, Dte[ i ] ) )
   + " Buy = " + WriteVal( Buy[ i ], 1.0, 0 ) 
   + " Size: "  + WriteVal( ScaleInSize[ i ], 1.2, 0 ) 
   + " CLose[i] " + WriteVal( Close[ i ], 1.2, 0 )              
   + " CLose[i-1] " + WriteVal( Close[ i-1 ], 1.2, 0 )              

   if( ScaleInCount == 3 
      AND ( Close[ i ] < Close[ i -1 ] )
      AND Sell[ i ] == 0 )
     Buy[ i ] = sigScaleIn; 
       ScaleInSize[ i ] = ThirdScaleInPctOfEqty;
         + " Date: " + DateTimeToStr( DateTimeConvert( 2, Dte[ i ] ) )
   + " Buy = " + WriteVal( Buy[ i ], 1.0, 0 ) 
   + " Size: "  + WriteVal( ScaleInSize[ i ], 1.2, 0 ) 
   + " CLose[i] " + WriteVal( Close[ i ], 1.2, 0 )              
   + " CLose[i-1] " + WriteVal( Close[ i-1 ], 1.2, 0 )              

   if( ScaleInCount == 4 
      AND ( Close[ i ] < Close[ i -1 ] )
      AND Sell[ i ] == 0 )
       Buy[ i ] = sigScaleIn; 
       ScaleInSize[ i ] = FourthScaleInPctOfEqty;
         + " Date: " + DateTimeToStr( DateTimeConvert( 2, Dte[ i ] ) )
   + "  Buy = " + WriteVal( Buy[ i ], 1.0, 0 ) 
   + "  Size: "  + WriteVal( ScaleInSize[ i ], 1.2, 0 ) 
   + " CLose[i] " + WriteVal( Close[ i ], 1.2, 0 )              
   + " CLose[i-1] " + WriteVal( Close[ i-1 ], 1.2, 0 )              

   if( ScaleInCount > 4 OR Sell[ i ] ) 
       Buy[ i ] = 0; 
       ScaleInCount = 0; 

if( Buy[ i ] )
  ScaleInCount = ScaleInCount + 1;
if ( Sell[ i ] ) 
       _TRACE("Sale On Date: " 
         + DateTimeToStr( DateTimeConvert( 2, Dte[ i ] )));

SetPositionSize( ValueWhen(Buy,ScaleInSize), spsPercentOfEquity ); 

Filter = 1;

AddColumn(Buy, "Buy", 1.0);
AddColumn(Sell, "Sell", 1.0);
AddColumn(Close, "Close", 1.2);
AddColumn(ScaleInSize, "ScaleInSize", 1.2);
AddColumn(BuyPrice, "BuyPrice", 1.2);
AddColumn(PositionSize, "PositionSize", 1.2);

--- In, Sidney Kaiser <skbi...@...> wrote:
> Trying to code up Larry Connors TPS entry conditions. 
> I finally have to figure out how to scale into a position.  Reading though 
> the help files and old emails I thought I understood it, but....apparently 
> not.
> I was thinking the first buy line would buy one lot and then the other buys 
> (currently commented out) would be used for subsequent buys...wrong.
> The first buy is scaling into several lots all on its own as can be seen in 
> the attached .csv file of a part of the detail log.  The buy prices are not 
> what I want, see those commented buy statements for that.  It looks 
> like SigScaleIn  is buying successive bars after the initial conditions are 
> met for the first buy.
> So help me out here.  How do I set up the scaling in where there can be as 
> many as 4 entries with them being larger by 2x, then 3x,  then 4x as many 
> shares at individually specified entry price conditions. 
> RSI2 = RSI( RSIp);
> MA5 = MA( Close, MAfp );
> MA200 = MA( Close, MAsp );
> PositionSize = 1000;
> MAV = ( Close > MA200 AND Volume > 50000 );
> Buy = MAV*IIf( Ref(RSI2, -1) < blvl AND RSI2 < blvl, sigScaleIn, 0 ); // 
> initial buy
> entry_price1 = ValueWhen( Buy, Close);
> /*
> Buy = MAV*IIf( Close < entry_price1, 2*sigScaleIn, 0); // 2nd buy
> Buy = MAV*IIf( Close < 0.8*entry_price1, 3*sigScaleIn, 0); // 3rd buy
> Buy = MAV*IIf( Close < 0.7*entry_price1, 4*sigScaleIn, 0); // 4th b
> */
> Sell = Cross( RSI2, selvl );
>   Detail log: see attached .csv file


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