For anyone who's still following this thread...

I tested an explore in AB with the data filters in QuoteTracker turned off 
(SpikeFilter%=100, VolumeSpikeCap=99... I'm assuming these are the correct 
settings) and the result is that I'm still getting bad data in AB but not in QT 
(checked via the data window as well as the historical and intraday charts).  
And as I noted in an earlier post, for the symbols that do get bad data, they 
all seem to be happening at roughly the same time period which sort of confirms 
that this probably isn't an issue with the RT data feed from IQFeed.  If anyone 
has any ideas on what might be wrong or how to fix/minimize it, I'd appreciate 
any thoughts.  Otherwise, I realize that I'm probably the only one having this 
problem so I've sort of learned to "deal with it".

Dealing with it would, however, be easier if there were a way to assign the 
"Force Backfill" command to a keyboard shortcut (right now I have to 
right-click in the plug-in status bar).  And though I'm not sure if this will 
have an effect, it might help if there were a way to assign a keyboard shortcut 
to flush the database cache (or is there a command to do this via COM 

Note to those who haven't followed this thread that performing a "force 
backfill" via an explore on a group of symbols won't be much help.  I need 
selective/on-demand force backfills from the keyboard.


--- In, "kurasake" <kuras...@...> wrote:
> I've been having a problem with bad data appearing in AB (abnormally high 
> volume or wrong OHLC) in AB when I perform an "Explore" from the "Automatic 
> Analysis" on a large number of symbols (>1500) when I have "wait for 
> backfill" checked even for something as simple as filter=C>O.  
> Fortunately the bad data points are very easy to identify and seem to occur 
> on the same days for the affected symbols and since I haven't been able to 
> resolve it, I've sort of learned to live with it (Note, I don't get any bad 
> data in QuoteTracker running on the same machine using the same RT data feed 
> so I'm pretty sure it's in AB).
> Anyway, when I see the bad data, I right click on the "Plug-in Status" area 
> of the status bar and do a "Force Backfill" and all the data is correctly 
> filled in.  My question is, is there an easier way, either from the menu (so 
> I can setup a macro) or better yet, via some code/formula that will  
>   1.  Keep all the symbols but delete all the EOD and RT data
>   2.  Automatically "Force Backfill" from my RT feed?
> If someone has an idea on what's causing the problem in the first place, that 
> would be helpful too but I've posted this regarding this problem before and 
> haven't seen a solution so I'm guessing I'm a unique case.
> I've also tried flushing the DB cache and playing around with different 
> database parameters, in-memory cache size, setting up a new database etc.
> Thanks.
> Roy 
> System:
> Windows XP Pro/Sp3
> Intel Core i7, 4GB Ram, many gigs of HD free
> AB v5.3 (tried uninstall/reinstalling)
> RT Data from IQFeed using the latest client

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