Thanks Mike...I will go through it...I greatly appreciate your response.


--- In, "Mike" <sfclimb...@...> wrote:
> A reply that I made to an earlier thread might be helpful. Note that despite 
> the verbal description in the link below, I seem to recall that AmiBroker 
> stores bo.MarginLoan as a negative number that gets added to equity.
> Mike
> --- In, "raymondpconnolly" <raymondpconnolly@> 
> wrote:
> >
> > Hi All,
> > 
> > I've written some CBT code to calculate custom metrics   Max_Equity, 
> > Min_Cash, Max_Margin_loan.  The problem I am having Is that I'm not sure 
> > how to interpret the output because I'm uncertain about the definition of 
> > backtester object properties bo.Equity, bo.Cash, bo.MarginLoan where bo is 
> > the bactester object.
> > 
> > From the User Guide topic "Portfolio-level back testing" : "New backtester 
> > works on PORTFOLIO LEVEL, it means that there is single portfolio equity 
> > and positionsizing refers to portfolio equity. Portfolio equity is equal 
> > toavailable cash plus sum of all simultaneously open positions at given 
> > time."
> > 
> > Is it correct to conclude from the above that for a margin account 
> > Portfolio equity includes Marginloan? Therefore if I defined the equity 
> > that I provide as "Owners Equity" vs. the broker provided "Maginloan" the 
> > following would be true:
> > 
> > (1) bo.Equity = Owners Equity + bo.MarginLoan = bo.Cash + sum of all 
> > simultaneously open positions at given time?
> > 
> > (2) bo.Equity = Owners Equity/MarginRate = bo.Cash +  sum of all 
> > simultaneously open positions at given time?
> > 
> > or is it the case that:
> > 
> > (3) bo.Equity = Owners Equity = bo.Cash + sum of all simultaneously open 
> > positions at given time. (and bo.MarginLoan is simply a separate number)?
> > 
> > or are there other components in Portfolio equity that I've missed 
> > completely?      
> > 
> > If anyone can help with this I would really appreciate it.
> > 
> > Regards,
> > Ray
> >

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