I agree.


----- Original Message -----
To: <amradio@mailman.qth.net>
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 8:36 PM

> I have to step in here and add my 2 cents.
> While I, too, believe that a ranger in that price range is a little much,
> let's take a quick look at simple economics.
> I have no idea what the gentleman paid for his Ranger, but I have seen
> go at hamfests for from $75 to $225 unrestored.
> Dee charges $250 to strip and repaint a complete cabinet, including new
> lettering.  If you haven't seen Dee's work, you are missing a thing of
> beauty. Absolutely fabulous!
> This unit has been recapped and had temperature compensating caps placed
> the VFO.  That big resistor that heats up and causes drift has been moved
> outside the enclosure.
> Let's say that all the caps cost $50.00.
> Let's say that the labor involved in cleaning the unit up, recapping
> it working and alignment took 5 hours, probably more.  The man's time has
> be worth a minimum of $20.00 and that is lowballing it.
> Let's say four knobs had to be replaced at $10.00 each.
> Let's assume that the cabinet has Dee's expert restoration at $250.00.
> Let's assume the man paid $125.00 for the Ranger to start with.
> My humble abacus shows the total to be $565.00 and that does not allow for
> other incidentals which may have been needed.
> If you replace your current rig part by part, you couldn't come close to
> affording it unless you have a much bigger bank account than mine.
> When I got my ticket back in 1953, I couldn't afford a Viking II kit, much
> less the VFO, so I got creative and borrowed the money from my
> I paid it back, too!  Meanwhile, the rich kid across was running all
> and a Telrex beam. A friend of mine had a rig given to him by his Elmer.
> The modern kids today are driving around in Lexus, BMW and others.  They
> in my neighborhood since there is no room at the school parking lot.  When
> they leave each day, the trash is unbelieveable.  Why can't they drive
> heaps like I did, buy used gear or get a loan, like I did and make good
> marks, get a good education resulting in a good job.  Then they can afford
> relieve their childhood and buy all the used rigs they wanted in their
> childhood and restore them like I am doing.
> 73,
>  John,  W4AWM
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