russ dworakowski wrote:

> Charles,  I have a 500B,  that came to me as basket case.  I  ended up with
> all new iron.  Hopefully,  yours was stored well,  and not ina damp
> location.  If so,  it would be good to just fire it up  and let it dry out.
> Its amazing how much moisture  those  old open transformers
> soak up.    When all said  and done,my GK 500B,  had changes in the
> modulator-  A higher voltage on the plate transformer- 1500v.  I put neg. 5
> volts bias  on the 811s.  In the speech amp,  I did not change anything.  I
> used a D104 mic and I got real good audio rpts.  I also solid stated  the
> modulator  power supply-  the 816s  kept flashing over,so  bye bye.  Also
> switched to 3B28s in the RF power supply.
> Have fun!  Russ

I have owned my 500A for 30 years but havent used it for maybe 15. It seems to
have survived basement storage with all iron intact. It already has 3B28's and
i can see that the 816's will be at least an inconvenience  so they might go. I
have a D104 and will try it before i modify the speech amp, but eventually i
want to get rid of the couplettes and try a Shure SM5B and a broadcast mic
compressor left over from my years as a broadcast engineer. I am not inclined
to trying to boost the modulation since i won't be in an Arbitron-driven
loudness war. I do see a number of very old original small electrolytic caps in
the modualtor that probably should be replaced.

73 de W3NU

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