Donald Chester wrote:

> >From: Charles Ring W3NU <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > > Someone else said that the output was
> > >
> > > High voltage 2400-1750-0-1750-2400VAC, DC voltage 2000/1500, 300 mA
> >continuous
> > >
> > > yet the critter is labled (engraved, even) 3500 and 4800.  That's
> >-gotta- be
> > > across
> > > the entire secondaries...
> >'s the same rating, with the center tap as the zero reference.
> >The DC voltage is based on a full wave rectifier using the center tap.
> Be careful when using such a transformer in a full wave bridge ciccuit.
> Sometimes transformers designed for full wave CT operation do not have HV
> insulation at the CT, since it is assumed by the manufacturer to be at
> ground potential.  Running it in a FWB could result in a zorch to ground at
> the CT of the winding.
> The same precaution is recommended when placing the filter choke between CT
> and ground instead of the more traditional positive side of the filter.  The
> high ripple voltage that appears across the choke will also appear at the
> transformer CT and could cause failure of the transformer.
> I'll look up those ratings in my UTC catalogue this evening and verify.
> Don K4KYV

In the 1967 (not 1957) Radio-Electronic Master, I see a CG-305W listed which has
the same ratings plus a note that it is meant for either a bridge or center tap
full wave rectifier.

73 de W3NU

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