
Tim is out in your neck of the woods again and may call you tonight.

Thought about you yesterday when the guy on the morning show on a Manchester
NH broadcast AM station picked up the story about the Fort MacArthur group
that wanted to show Tora Tora Tora for fundraising and some local "patriot"
though that might offend Japanese Americans.  What next!

Been very busy here.  I picked up some gear a few months ago and now am
using a HRO-500 for my main station receiver for a while.  Updated my
computer with Windows XP which supports the USB interface, so I finally got
another digital camera.  The old one I turned in when I left Compaq used a
serial connection and it seems all the newer digital cameras use USB.  My
Windows NT system did not support USB so I delayed buying a new camera.

I'll attach an image of my Corvette engine.  It's back in the car and its
running like a top.

Fill me in with your news when you have time.



P.S. It was sad to lose Mo, W5KD.

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