> I dunno. Frankly, I'm looking for a "4-pill job" myself! I need an amp with
> four MRF 455, or 454, for my 10M mobile rig.  Just because these amps were
> initially targeted for CB use doesn't mean we Hams can't use 'em
> legitimately.   Some amps, such as the "RM" brand made in Italy, is actually
> of very high quality, and is truly broadband, with coverage from 3 to 30
> MHz. Just the thing for your FT817.  With four MRF454's,  they require about
> 20W drive for about 300W PEP out, and they are properly AB1 biased.

There's a ham store, that sells the "Golden Eagle 377/XL" two transistor amp.

Why limit yourself to MRF 454/5's?  Why not the 2SC2978's?   A pair of those,
with about 20w of drive is 300 to 500w out, depending on the band.

> Yeah, so the CB'ers are buying them. It's a problem, especially when they
> buy the junk that runs class C.
> Either you have a free market, or you don't.
> When linears are outlawed, only outlaws will have linears.

Same can be said (and has!) for AM kW's.

73 = Best Regards,

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