This weekend multiply the number of Thanksgiving AM Jamboree contacts by the 
number of bands used to make the contacts by the number of different 
transmitters worked to get your total.  Whether you send in your log for an 
official AM International award certificate or not, you will be contributing to 
a noticeable increase in AM activity this weekend, which is good publicity for 
our favorite mode.  Details follow:  


The Thanksgiving AM Jamboree is scheduled for November 29 - December 1, 2002.   
 The event begins Friday evening and ends late Sunday evening.  Participating 
stations should leisurely exchange Thanksgiving greetings, signal reports, 
transmitter in use and AMI certificate numbers (if they have one).  AM contacts 
on any amateur band count.  You can work the same station on more than one 
band, but not more than once on the same band.  We're going to try scoring this 
time.   Each contact is one point.  Multiply your total contacts by the number 
of bands used for AM contacts.  Multiply again by the number of different AM 
transmitters worked.  Major transmitter variants count, for example - Ranger I 
and Ranger II, but not both T368 and T368A.  Record the final and modulator 
tube types for homebrew transmitters.  If you work more than one homebrew 
transmitter with the same RF/Mod tube configuration, only count it as one 
transmitter multiplier.  Certificates will be awarded to any station submitting 
a 1000 point log, for example - 4 bands, 25 contacts, 10 transmitter types.  
Use this weekend to fire up your rare old boatanchors to provide multipliers, 
as well as points!  Please calculate your point total at the end of your log 
for faster processing at AMI Headquarters.  Send logs to AMI, Box 1500, 
Merrimack, NH  03054.  Send requests for lost AMI numbers to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

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