Congrats Dave.

Watch that Digital stuff though, it will give you athlelet's foot :))

Tom - K0PJG

----- Original Message -----
From: "Geoff Edmonson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "AM Reflector" <>
Sent: Saturday, December 07, 2002 12:45 PM
Subject: [AMRadio] New ARRL Member an AM'er!

> Snipped from the ARRL Newsletter:
> =====================================
> * Dave Hassler, K7CCC, joins ARRL Headquarters staff: Dave Hassler,
> K7CCC, has joined the ARRL Headquarters staff as an assistant news editor.
> Hassler, 36, came aboard November 18. A native of Portland, Oregon,
> Hassler will edit a new QST column, "ARRL in Action" as well as handle
> routine news and feature stories for the ARRL Web site and The ARRL
> Letter. Hassler has been licensed for two years and holds a General
> ticket. He has a long interest in all things scientific. "Both of my
> grandfathers were engineers (one was W7GER, SK), and they encouraged me
> to explore and helped me build things," he said. Sidetracked by high
> activities, educational pursuits and careers as a guitar player,
> volleyball coach and sportswriter, Hassler took advantage of his
> recuperation from knee surgery a couple of years ago to study for his
> Amateur Radio license. Hassler holds a bachelor's in English and an
> associate's degree in journalism. He also has completed some graduate
> courses. Most recently, he served as editor-in-chief of The Chronicle in
> St Helens, Oregon.
> Hassler enjoys AM and SSB ragchewing and building simple radios and
> accessories. He's also getting his feet wet with digital modes. Welcome
> Dave!
> ==============================================
> Perhaps we've (AM'ers) got a new "voice" in the League?
> 73 = Best Regards,
> -=Geoff/W5OMR=-
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