
The following text are the instructions for the
"Talkie Amateur Crystal Grinding Kit."

The abraisive mentioned in the text appears to be a
carborundum powder - the stuff can be had at a gem /
mineral shop.


One plate glass at least 8" square. Abrasive (enclosed
in kit), 
two pans of water, 
one pan of soapy water,
two wiping towels.

Prepare a mixture of abrasive and water about the
consistency of syrup on the plate glass. Place the
face of the crystal blank in this mixture. Adjust the
ball of the forefinger or middle finger on the upper
surface of the crystal, or you may get better results
by using the fore-finger and the middle finger
together dividing the surface of the blank between
them. The position of the hand must be parallel to the
plate. With a flat light pressure on the crystal,
start a figure 8 movement about 6" long.
Repeat figure 8'about ten times, make a 1/4 turn of
crystal,repeat ten figure 8's, another 1/4 turn figure
8 etc. When approaching frequency cut down number of
figure 8's, ten figure 8's should take off about one

Often in grinding the surface the strength or
oscillation will fall, to regain it work the edges of
the blank by holding it upright between thumb and
forefinger.  Tilt edge at about 60° angle from the
plate glass, make about ten long oval strokes and
repeat this on all edges.

When desired frequency is reached wash blank
thoroughly, sponge dry on a lint free towel, place
between the electrodes and case in holder.

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