A familiar problem.
Had an old Westinghouse RBM rcvr that was loosing tubes
till I found the fil was at 7v..... WOW!
Looked at the P.S. tag and ac input was spec'd at 115 v
while my line was about >125.
Found an old TV compensation transformer with a +/-
10 v switch . Took care of that. 
There can be found 5-10 amp isolation trans primarily for
using with overseas 100v ac appliances as well as
tapped autotrans with a range of compensation.
Look for them in the surplus houses and travel suppliers.
I have played with some large resonant 20a stabilizer units
but they were objectionally noisy as well as heat producing
and reflected the adjustmnt as a higher current draw that
on a soft wall circuit just compounded the problem.
My personal preference is the good old 20a autotran which
does need to be fiddled with but can get whatever you need.
The small 10v step downs are fine for receivers etc but get
expensive in high current sizes. Have never tried the buck/
boost hookup but my line voltage can vary more than 15v
throughout the day to say nothing abt the summer brownout
season so a variable works best for me.
Stable line voltage is a major problem with most tube testers
as well since the line adjust is just a reostat on the trans pri.
I run the adjust all the way up and use the bench autotran
to adjust to set line.

Good luck!

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