For Pick up only in Arlington,TX....This is a complete 100% Ship Board station.
Has  AM/SSB/RTTY/CW...  Xmtr is 100% tube Receiver is Solid State.
It is an ITT Mackay Marine Type MRU-29B/30B/34A...Manufactured in July 72.
All Manuals are included...It is 3 racks at a weight of about 600 Lbs. This uses a pair of 813's Modulated by 813's...As an extra there is a 500 KC Emergency transmitter.... All of the above for $750.00. I have not seen it but all items are boxed and out of the racks... This is from the XYL of a local SK...He actually took it off the ship when his XYL left the Merchant Marines as a Radio operator...All cabling instructions are in the manual.

Best 73's  Bob K1JNN/5
Mesquite, TX 75149

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