Looking forward to this issue!!!

At 03:37 AM 02/11/2003 -0500, you wrote:

If you've built a class E rig, or are actively building one at the moment, please send me email with the particulars. I am writing a QST article about class E AM transmitters. There is more than a suggestion from various people at ARRL H.Q. that such an article, if well presented, will be published.

For evidence that this class E thing is not just a novelty, I would like to include a list of everyone who has or is actively building a class E transmitter. It would be good to include what design you're using, how much power, what band, etc. etc.

Of course, I already know about many people who have built rigs, or are building them, but my memory is not perfect, and I probably don't have all the details. So, this is the "official" call :-) I'll collect all of the information in one place, and distill it all down into an organized, clear descriptive list.

If you happen to be using the class H modulator design, or the 6 FET RF amplifier design (or any of my other designs), specifically let me know, as this is further evidence that the design can be reproduced, and does work.

Another thing I will need are *good*, close-up pictures of neatly built (which lets my stuff out) class E transmitters, modulators, etc. These may be published, so don't send me anything that you wouldn't want shared with the world :-) I will, of course, give specific credit to everyone who contributes or whose transmitter picture is published.

This is a good chance to show those who think AM is just old dinosaurs playing around with antique equipment what's happening in modern world with AM today.

This could be really great!

Thanks and Regards,

Steve WA1QIX (send email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED])

At 12:14 PM 2/7/2003 -0500, you wrote:
  You can also look at this http://www.amwindow.org/tech/htm/813/813.htm for
ideas on a pair of 813s modulated by a pair of 813s. The class e rig is more
efficient, however if it's glowing like the 813s do, something is wrong!


----- Original Message -----
From: "Ron Samchuk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <amradio@mailman.qth.net>
Sent: Friday, February 07, 2003 1:03 AM
Subject: [AMRadio] re: 4-1000 or 813 AM transmitter information needed

> Hi everyone.  I need information on building a good AM kilowatt rig using
either two 4-1000A tubes or two 813's as finals.  I have several parts
(including those tubes), but I need some advise, plans, schematics, etc. on
such a project.  I am considering using 813's or 810's as modulators.  Links
to a good website would help.
>     Thanks in advance for your assistance.  from Ron VE4SR
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