Hey Don,   is  that  Radiotron designers handbook still available?
If yes,  put  my name on it.  Russ.

From: "Merz Donald S" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: amradio@mailman.qth.net
To: "baswaplist" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,<amradio@mailman.qth.net>, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,"Old Tube Radios" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [AMRadio] BA Literature For Sale
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2003 13:18:54 -0500

For Sale (PPD means "includes media mail postage")

Davidoff, Martin, K2UBC: The Satellite Experimenter's Handbook, ARRL, 1990, very good. $10 PPD
Military TM 11-666 Antennas and Radio Propagation, 2/53, excellent: $10 PPD
Military TM 11-669 Transients & Waveforms, 11/51, excellent: $8 PPD
Military TM 11-671 Cathode Ray Tubes & Their Associated Circuits, 9/51, excellent: $10 PPD Military TM 11-690 Theory and Application of Transistors, 1959, excellent: $10 PPD Hicks, Principles and Practice of Radio Servicing, McGraw-Hill, 1943, very good: $11 PPD
Hallicrafters HT-7 Instruction sheet copy with schematic, 4 pages: $4 PPD
NRI Model 90 AM-FM-TV Signal Generator Operating/Instruction Book, 1958,
        with schematic and parts list, falling apart at spine: $8 PPD
DeMaw, Doug: Solid State Basics For The Radio Amateur, ARRL, 1978, good; $8 PPD Smith, F. Langford, ed. : Radiotron Designer's Handbook, 3rd Ed., RCA Australia, 1945, very good: $20 PPD Lenk, J. D.: Handbook of Practical Solid State Troubleshooting , Prentice-Hall, 1971, very good: $8 PPD
Feldman, Leonard, FM From Antenna To Audio, 1st ed., Sams, 1973: $4 PPD
Mims, Forest: Engineers Mini-Notebook on Communications Projects, Radio Shack, 1987: $4 PPD Martin, T. C.: Nikola Tesla, Inventions, Research & Writings, 1952 Reprint of 1894 original, excellent hardback: $27 PPD
NRI Training Booklets, Group of 6: $6 PPD for all
        B208, Superheterodyne receivers
        B310, How To Use Your test Equipment
        B311, How To Use Schematic Diagrams
        45BB, How To Eliminate Man_made Interference
        14BBX, Radio Receiver Troubles, Their Causes And Remedy
        27BBX, The Use Of Arithmetic In Radio & TV

Thanks for looking.
73, Don Merz, N3RHT

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