No personal experience with the T-30, but I have worked with modern
throat mics.  You have to boost the highs like crazy!  I don't have
the documentation any more, but I remember like 50 dB of rise from
300 to 3500 Hz.  With the right EQ, they aren't bad.  However - even
with these mics that I worked with, probably about the best in the
industry, some people just don't come through well.  There was this
big fat guy who just sounded like mush.  I guess if the skin is
thick and floppy around the neck, the sound picked up there will be
especially muffled.

There was some experimentation done with bone conduction pickup on
the side of the nose.  Also some experimentation was done with a
"skull" mic, that picked up sound from bone conduction in the skull.

  Bacon, WA3WDR

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2003 4:41 PM
Subject: [AMRadio] Throat Mike

> All,
> I recently picked up a WW2 T-30 throat microphone at a fleamarket.
> it up to my ART-13 and made a few tests with my friends here in
> California.   The universal report was very muffled, restricted
and only
> marginally intelligible audio, the same results I remember from
the last time
> I played with a throat mic back in the 50s.   The unit was in very
> condition, BTW, and had very high output -- modulated the ART-13
> My question here is, was there a particular communication
technique, method
> of articulation, special vocabulary, etc., which had to be used
with these
> things?    Hard to believe they were satisfactory for operational
use.   Has
> anyone had personal experience here?
> Dennis D.   W7QHO
> Glendale, CA
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