Hi everyone This Wednesday April 2nd , 2003  is the next First Wednesday 

CCA AM night on 3880 kcs.


Join us for some outstanding AM signals!


REMEMBER you DO NOT have to be running Collins gear to check in. 

Everything is welcome! 


When checking in please give your name, location and equipment you are running.


We will have 4 main ncs. One on the East coast, Midwest, Mountain area,

and West coast. The main ncs will have others in their area helping with

their hour. (Please note ONE HOUR). At the end of their hour the main ncs

for that region will contact the next regions ncs and turn ncs over to them etc.

etc. etc.


Each ncs will start at 08:00pm in their time zone.


Starting at 8:00pm EST (01:00 UTC) East coast ncs will start the net

At 02:00 UTC East coast ncs will turn ncs to Midwest ncs

At 03:00 UTC Midwest ncs will turn ncs to Mountain ncs

At 04:00 UTC Mountain ncs will turn ncs to West coast ncs


Starting off in the Eastern time zone will be Bill K2LNU, Jim W0NKL & Dean 
KA6BGW  in Central time zone, Jim WA0LSB in Mountain time zone and last but not 
least  Bill N6PY in the Pacific time zone.


comments please to  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   



Have fun and enjoy the great sounding AM signals. 73's Larry WA9VRH

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