Hi Ron,

Nice rig! Congrats...

Hopefully you haven't blown one of the multiplier resistors that's switched
in parallel with your meter...I did that once with a Ranger-1 & destroyed
the meter.

Check the values of these resistors one by one---if any are open, i.e.
infinite resistance, then the meter is cooked for sure (the meter itself is
probably rated 5 ma. max).

I ended-up doing a "transplant", i,e, took the innards out of one similarly-
rated, surplus, off the shelf meter, & dropped it into the original Ranger
meter case. Precision work that needs steady hands! But it paid off...

Good luck...

~73~ Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ

> Just picked up a Johnson Valiant.  Output seems good, full power,
> everything seems to work except the meter.  No meter movement on any
> setting.  Suggestions on how to check the meter or wiring would be
> appreciated.  Thanks.... Ron VE4SR
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