The Collins Radio Association will initiate (sponsor if you like) a 15 meter AM/SSB on 15 meters on or about 21.350 Mhz beginning at 2 PM EDST. Our net control station will be W3CRA with alternate net control station, K1KP. I will be using a 32V-2 and Tony will be using his KWS-1 on AM. However, we will listen for both AM and SSB.

This new net will be informal with the opportunity to hear from our Collins friends abroad. The net will start this SUNDAY, Easter Day. Please join us.

David Knepper - W3ST
Secretary to the Collins Radio Association (CRA)
Publisher of the Collins Journal
CRA station call - W3CRA

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   Great, Dave,
would you please tell me what is the UTC time of the 15 meters net ?

     Thanks and best 73,
         Fabio, I0LBE

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