Sounds like you have a panel that was originally targeted for the RX-1
receiver. Both of my Apache's do not have an extra hole to the left of
the spotting switch. Does the hole have a printed designation?? See
attachments directed to you.

On Wed, 28 May 2003 14:26:16 -0600 Jordan Arndt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi..Can someone provide any info on why and when Heath produced a 
> TX-1
> that had an extra hole on the front panel, approx 2 1/4" on center 
> from
> the Spotting Switch..? It is at the same horizontal height 
> has
> to be original, as the inside of the hole also has the same paint as 
> the
> fron panel, and the panel finish is original....The extra hole lines 
> up
> with the hole in the front sub panel , that is just in front of the 
> coil case....Has anyone else seen this..?  73 de Jordan....

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