You're a Ham if : 
      - you buy electrical black tape in ten packs. 
      - you've stripped wire with your teeth. 
      - you've told your son that, "One day, all this will be yours", and he 
doesn't respond. 
      - you'd rather help a buddy put up a new tower than mow the lawn. 
      - you've grabbed the wrong end of a soldering iron. 
      - you start giving out RST reports when you are on the telephone. 
      - the propagation forecast means far more to you than the local weather 
      - the microphone or visual aids at a meeting don't work and you rush up 
to the front to fix it. 
      - you tell the XYL, when she notices a new rig in the shack, why that has 
been there for years. 
      - your watch is set only to UTC. 
      - at night, when you pray, it starts off something like: CQ CQ CQ GOD DE 
(your callsign). 
      - you ever had to patch your roof after an antenna project. 
      - Ham radio magazines comprise more than 50% of your bathroom library. 
      - you ever put a GPS tracker in the XYL's car, just so you could watch 
her on APRS. 
      - you and the XYL took a cruise so you could visit the radio room. 
      - you ever tapped out HI in Morse on your car horn to another ham. 
      - you ever had an antenna fall down. 
      - your teenager refuses to ride in your car because it looks like a 
      - you know the Latitude and Longitude of your home QTH. 
      - you go into the local Radio Shack store and the clerk asks you where 
something is 

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