I have seen occasions where audiophools would pay upwareds of $30 each for a 
Black Beauty if the seller indicated it was cut out of a particular guitar or 

Though I've never followed the trend that closely, casual observation seemed to 
indicate that the Black Beauties with the color bands got higher bids than 
those with 
the printed value.  Must have something to do with that vintage sound.

Joe Bento
Pleasant Grove, Utah

On 18 Nov 2003 at 8:13, Alan Cohen wrote:

> At the risk of ruining everyone's fun, it ought to be pointed out that  
> the infamous caps have been listed on Ebay for three days now with nary  
> a nibble.
> Perhaps the demand is not as high as first thought by some here.   
> Either that, or perhaps the supply of fools is even smaller.

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