I have this RF amp here that is making its way up the to-do list. It uses 
push-pull RK-65 tubes and a large B&W "CX" type tank assembly. The CX tank 
mounts a B&W "HD" jackbar for plug-in final coils with a swinging link to pick 
up the output. It also has a set of clips for adding a fixed vacuum capacitor 
and bolt-on plates that are used for neutralization on each side. It's a pretty 
impressive piece of equipment, circa 1950.

This is my first encounter with a piece of gear using RK-anything tubes. Has 
anyone seen any published circuits using RK-65s? Does that tube have any 
equivalent types by other manufacturers?   Has anyone seen a good summary 
anywhere of the Raytheon line of RK-series tubes? I can't see any rhyme or 
reason in their numbering system. And finally, does anyone have any RK-65's for 
sale or trade? I'd be interested in picking up a couple for spares.

Any help appreciated.
73, Don Merz, N3RHT

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