FIRST WEDNESDAY AM NIGHT !!! Sponsored by the Collins Collectors

Cedar Rapids, Iowa (QRZ) - Wednesday April 7th on 3880 kcs at 7:30PM local
East Coast time marks the start of the latest chapter of First Wednesday AM
Night, drawing hundreds of vintage stations from across the country.

The event is anchored by a "tall ship" AM station in each time zone. The
East Coast will run for 90 minutes this month as a test. The remaining time
zones will be an hour. Stations check-in using Collins and other
transmitters with AM capabilities, new and old. The idea is to revel in this
nostalgic mode, enjoy giving vintage equipment a "run," and sharing some
storytelling about classic vacuum tube homebrew and commercial designs.

In months past, anchor stations have included those running the beautiful
Collins 300-G, pictured below, as well as those running the amateur KW-1 and
other noted models.

LISTEN for these anchors and stop by to say hello, won't you?  You don't
have to be running Collins or vintage gear to be welcomed into the group.

7:30P-9P East Coast Anchor:  Bill K2LNU (upstate NY)

8P-9P Midwest Anchor:  Tony W9JXN  (Illinois)

8P-9P Rocky Mountain Anchor: Jim WA0LSB (Colorado)

8P-9P West Coast Anchor:  Bill, N6PY  (California)

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