I screwed up and sent this from one of my other addresses, and it bounced. Sorry.
George  KE4HJ

Hi to the list members,
I just got chastised from a list member for not offering my 75A4 to the list before listing it on E Bay. I didn't really think about protocol, but he's probably right, I should have listed it here first. And probably on many other lists too. In my defense, please understand that my time is really limited due to work commitments, and I just don't have the time to chase down all the possible lists to place it on. But I will make certain that I give the AM members a shot at the stuff I'm going to offer for sale over the next few months first shot, before I list it on E Bay.
With that in mind, here's my next item I'd like to sell:

Collins Type 20V, Model 1, Serial # 59  Broadcast Transmitter.
It's in very good condition and anyone interested can contact me via e mail. Please use this address for any e mails involving sale of this transmitter: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
George  KE4HJ

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